Home Sober living Examining the intersection between blood-alcohol levels and impaired driving

Examining the intersection between blood-alcohol levels and impaired driving


Teens may do something simply because it is fun or feels good and they can take risks they would not usually take. Because connections between the prefrontal cortex and the ventral striatum are still maturing, alcohol can affect those connections. As a result, teens may do impulsive things, such as drinking and driving or having unprotected sex.

In addition, 15.4% of their roadside survey control group refused testing, and since this was the subset of the group that was more than likely to have been using illicit drugs, the refusals probably depressed the incidence of marijuana use in the control group and artificially increased the OR. The control group in Mura’s study was comprised of non-trauma patients at the hospital, rather than drivers who had not crashed, making the odds ratio an incorrect calculation. In addition, non-trauma hospital patients are not representative of the population and arguably may have had a lower rate of marijuana smoking, again distorting the OR. Of all drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2015, 21 percent of men and 14 percent of women had a BAC of 0.08% or higher (NCSA, 2016a).

Alcohol Increases Your Risk of a Crash

Charges range from misdemeanors to felony offenses, and penalties for impaired driving can include driver’s license revocation, fines, and jail time. A first-time offense can cost the driver upwards of $10,000 in fines and legal fees. Policies and interventions to reduce alcohol-impaired driving, crashes, and fatalities are discussed in detail in Chapters 3, 4, and 5.

  • To conclude, the independent reduction in safety margins in combination with impaired attention and an increased willingness to engage in NDRTs is likely the reason behind increased crash risk when driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Focusing on risk and protective factors will help inform future programs addressing alcohol initiation, specifically helping parents and communities understand how they may influence alcohol use among adolescents and young adults.
  • It is difficult to determine how specific drugs affect driving because people tend to mix various substances, including alcohol.
  • Overtaking actions were marked by the participant’s use of the indicator and removed before data analysis.
  • Most cases of driving under the influence occur because the driver in question has had too much to drink and does not wish to suffer the inconvenience of leaving their car at home or finding an alternative means of transport to get home from a party or event.

Distracted driving has increased over time and contributes to an increasing amount of motor vehicle crash fatalities per year (Wilson and Stimpson, 2010). In 2016, crash fatalities that involved distracted driving made up 9 percent of total crash fatalities (NCSA, 2017a). This is equivalent to almost one-third of the number of alcohol-impaired driving crash fatalities during that year.

How Dangerous Is Drinking and Driving?

Although not all marijuana smokers are impulsive risk-takers, impulsive risk-takers are likely to smoke marijuana, drive recklessly, and also smoke marijuana before driving. Identification of such traits in a marijuana-using patient consequences of drinking and driving should prompt additional counseling on using a seatbelt and other “harm-minimization” interventions. The riskiest subsection of the population who are most at risk of drunk driving is those who struggle from an alcohol use disorder.

  • If you need financial aid in school, your application may only be successful if you have a clean record.
  • It may also mess with your sleep, and poor sleep hygiene can lead to further health concerns, like obesity and diabetes.
  • See Appendix C for more information on the alcohol industry’s role in promoting alcohol-impaired driving interventions.
  • For example, calls for enhanced enforcement, such as additional sobriety checkpoints, are unlikely to be effective without added financial resources or personnel and, more importantly, compassion for and cultural sensitivity toward populations of racial or ethnic minorities.

Try to stay focused on your end goal, and call your doctor if something doesn’t feel right. It can be tricky to handle social situations as you cut back on drinking, especially if you’re around other people who are drinking or who are used to seeing you drink. If you’ll be out with close friends or family you’re comfortable with, let them know ahead of time that you’re not drinking. If you’re going out to a function https://ecosoberhouse.com/success-story/ that doesn’t give you an opportunity to say something ahead of time and you don’t want to call attention to yourself, you can head straight to the bar or to a server and order yourself a nonalcoholic drink. If you find yourself in a situation where someone offers you a drink, just politely decline. Most of the time, people will back off, and if they don’t, stand firm and say you’re not drinking tonight.


More recent data from the 2012 BRFSS suggest that the likelihood of driving while alcohol impaired increases with income (Jewett et al., 2015). CDC reports that at all levels of BAC, the risk of being involved in a crash is greater for younger than for older people (CDC, 2017b). The prevalence of driving under the influence of alcohol increases with age through the young adult years and then generally declines thereafter. In 2014 self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol was highest among drivers ages 21 to 29 (Lipari et al., 2016). FARS estimates show that drivers ages 21 to 34 made up 55 percent of drivers with BAC levels of 0.08% or higher who were involved in fatal crashes in 2015 (NCSA, 2016a). According to the NHTSA, 72% of all alcohol–related fatalities are in unrestrained drivers (in comparison with only 45% in non-alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities),12 and it is reasonable to suspect that similar lack of attention to use of seatbelts is true of cannabis-intoxicated drivers as well.

In other words, an alcohol use disorder occurs when an individual compulsively misuses alcohol and continues abusing alcohol despite knowing the negative impact it has on their life. Interestingly, three reports indicate that chronic marijuana smokers are less susceptible to impairment from alcohol on some measures compared with nonsmokers or infrequent smokers. While alcohol is in your system, one of the most common side effects of the intoxicant is delayed reaction times.

Epidemiology of marijuana smoking and road traffic accidents

One measure of the retention of ethnic values and cultural norms is generation status. That is, the longer immigrants have lived in the United States, the more likely they are to acculturate to the cultural norms of their destination community (Berry et al. 2006). Lower levels of ethnic identity may be one explanation for these differences across Asian subgroups. Japanese Americans, Filipino Americans, and Korean Americans often have been in the United States longer than other Asian subgroups, such as Cambodians, Thais, and Vietnamese, and also report higher levels of alcohol use compared with other Asian Americans and Asian immigrants (Iwamoto et al. 2012).

If it normally takes you 1.5 seconds to react to something, you will be taking 3 seconds to react. If you’re driving 60mph, you will travel 130 feet in 1.5 seconds so that means if you drink and drive, you will be stopping 130 feet later than if you are sober. The brain is part of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and it’s made up of billions of neurons. The neurons forms a network that carries information to the neck and arms, trunk, legs, skeletal muscles, and internal organs. Muscle coordination decreases while intoxicated and the driver is very likely to respond incorrectly to their environment. This means if you see a change in signal, you may not respond properly by braking and instead accelerate instead.

fetal alcohol syndrome — alcohol can damage a baby’s developing brain and cause other developmental abnormalities.

More recently, product developments from the alcohol industry have led to lower priced options for consumers. Alcoholic energy drinks and premixed, ready-to-drink products, often with high alcohol and sugar contents, have been developed with younger and more cost-conscious populations (e.g., college students) in mind (Babor et al., 2018). Because of commercial speech protection afforded by judicial interpretations of the First Amendment, alcohol advertising is primarily self-regulated by the alcohol industry. One provision specifies that advertisements should not be directed at audiences in which 28.4 percent or more of the audience is under 21 years of age (FTC, 2013). Often, individuals charged with a DUI are also required to install an ignition interlock device at their own expense.



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