Home Forex Trading Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization: Monthly Manufacturing Report

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization: Monthly Manufacturing Report


It features production lines that are working on similar products or components all year round. This means there is little changeover or setup required, though production will reflect client demand. Companies that use this industrial process example include those that produce electronic goods, automotive and durable consumer goods, etc. ProjectManager is a cloud-based work and project management software that manages various types of industrial processes. With multiple project views, managers and workers on the factory floor have the tools they need to manage their work and get transparency into the process, and make sure everyone has the resources they need to work at capacity.

  1. The average value of production sold for one kilogram of fresh bread increased by 10 % between 2012 and 2022 and went down by 4 % compared to 2021.
  2. In this way double counting of production is prevented and the degree of vertical integration of branches should not influence the results for the indicator.
  3. Programs such as SolidWorks and AutoCAD[47] are examples of programs used to draft new parts and products under development.
  4. Essentially, cross-sectional analysis shows an investor which company is best given the metrics she cares about.
  5. The analysis can help investors select the best hedge funds and hedge fund managers.

If the processing of a product does not change the heading under which it is listed, it should not be recorded, since this would result in double-counting. This means that the link to turnover data is tenuous, since some activities do not result in new products and should not be recorded in Prodcom statistics. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent containment measures widely introduced by Member States had a significant impact on the EU’s industrial production in 2020. The value of sold production in the European Union in 2020 decreased by 7 % compared with 2019.

Investors, meanwhile, could interpret it as a sign of a coming downturn, or—depending on the signals from Washington—as a sign of coming stimulus. This would frustrate the market’s currently very optimistic expectations for Fed rate cuts. Taken together with the Retail Sales report from yesterday, we believe the data indicate that the Fed Funds rate will probably remain “higher for longer” than the market currently expects. We do not expect any Fed rate cuts until the second half of 2024 (roughly basis points of cuts).

Development of main industrial groupings and individual industries

Industrial production numbers are presented as an index, which helps analysts visualize the numbers over time and get a better sense of what the current reading means. Most investors follow the month-over-month industrial production percentage gains or losses to get the most up-to-date insight from the report. These are the numbers most likely to move the stock market, although the report is considered only “medium” in its market impact, according to research firm Briefing.com. Global industrial production uses and produces a vast amount of potentially hazardous substances and materials.


We also think that there’s an underappreciated possibility that the Fed will not cut rates at all in 2024. In this article, we will walk our readers through an in-depth analysis of the data in the Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report, and then proceed to discuss potential implications for the US economy and financial markets. This is a wide category that may include everything except manufacturing activities and manufacturing sourcing such as mining.

Benefits of the Industrial Production Index (IPI)

Non-industrial land use includes retail and services businesses, entertainment and recreation sites, parking lots, and residential neighborhoods. Whether hand-cranked or steam-powered, the machine made it possible to greatly increase the speed with which cotton fluff could be separated from its seeds before being woven into cloth. The socialist nations of the 20th century repeatedly embarked on centrally planned programs of industrialization. bitcoin brokers canada These include the first and second five-year plans in the Soviet Union and the Great Leap Forward in China. Nearly at the same time, parts of Europe and several East Asian economies pursued an alternative strategy of export-led growth. This strategy emphasized the deliberate pursuit of foreign trade to build exporting industries and depended in part on maintaining a weak currency to make exports more attractive to foreign buyers.

Where and when did the Industrial Revolution take place?

The objective is to improve efficiency, drive up effectiveness of manufacturing, quality control, and to reduce cost while making their products more attractive and marketable. Industrial engineering is concerned with the development, improvement, and implementation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, as well as analysis and synthesis. Production engineering also overlaps substantially with manufacturing engineering and industrial engineering.[4] The concept of production engineering is interchangeable with manufacturing engineering. The Industrial Production Index (IPI) is a crucial economic indicator that measures the output of the industrial sector in an economy. It encompasses segments such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities, providing an evaluation of their performance over a specific period of time.

Production trends also depend on regional availability of resources (e.g., scrap) and capital. The industrial production index (IPI) is a monthly economic indicator measuring real output in the manufacturing, mining, electric and gas industries, relative to a base year. Manufacturing output ticked up 0.1 percent in December but declined 2.2 percent (annual rate) in the fourth quarter.

Production, Use and Legislation

Although statistics were collected on products in most countries, there was a varied selection of classifications in use reflecting national situations and a range of different survey methods were applied. The value of the sold production of sport goods was at its peak with over € 4.4 billion in 2022. The manufacturing of these products increased mostly in 2021 and 2022 as latest trends globally show more interest in practicing sports. In practice, however, it is difficult to collect value-added data on a monthly basis. Most statistical institutes therefore derive monthly production data from other sources including deflated turnover, physical production data, labour input, intermediate consumption of raw materials and energy etc.

The analysis that follows refers to the division breakdown (first 2-digit level) of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE). Capacity and capacity utilization will be revised to incorporate data for manufacturing through the fourth quarter of 2023 from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization, along with new data on capacity from the U.S. Capacity utilization for manufacturing remained unchanged at 77.1 percent, a rate that is 1.1 percentage points below its long-run average. The operating rate for mining moved up 0.9 percentage point to 93.8 percent, a rate that is 7.4 percentage points above its long-run average.

ProjectManager Helps Keep Track of Industrial Processes

In Figure 3, we perform a decomposition analysis of the MoM growth in Industrial Production, according to three different ways of breaking down the data into different economic categories. First, nondurable manufacturing growth was very strong this past month (80.1 percentile). Second, overall, manufacturing growth is running well below-trend on a 1, 3 and 12-month annualized basis.

The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) publishes the industrial production index (IPI) at the middle of every month, and revisions to previous estimates are released at the end of every March. The IPI measures levels of production by the manufacturing sector, mining – including oil and gas field drilling services – and electrical and gas utilities. The term mechatronics is typically used to refer to macroscopic systems, but futurists have predicted the emergence of very small electromechanical devices. Already such small devices, known as Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), are used in automobiles to initiate the deployment of airbags, in digital projectors to create sharper images, and in inkjet printers to create nozzles for high-definition printing.

This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840. Since Toynbee’s time the term has been more broadly applied as a process of economic transformation than as a period of time in a particular setting. This explains why some areas, such as China and India, did not begin their first industrial revolutions until the 20th century, while others, such as the United States and western Europe, began undergoing “second” industrial revolutions by the late 19th century. This method has many benefits, including easier and more exhaustive visualization of products, the ability to create virtual assemblies of parts, and ease of use in designing mating interfaces and tolerances.

It is published in the middle of every month by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) https://forex-review.net/ and reported on by the Conference Board, a member-driven economic think tank.



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